Mid semester Review

The intent of the school versus the pedagogy adopted for content delivery in studios and theory subjects was the topic of critical discussion in the recently concluded mid -semester review. Mid-semester reviews are always looked upon as a time to retrospect on the past year and workout the way forward for the forthcoming academic year.
This year’s eminent panel constituted Ar.pramod Balakrishnan,Edifice ,chennai,Ar.Ceejo Cyriac,practitioner and academician ,Bangalore,Ar.Dr..Balasubramanian,Director,department of Architecture,kalasalingam university,Ar.Dhanashekar,ADG,Thanjavur and Mr.Pamayan ,expert sustainable living along with Mr.Guru,head of programmes,TATA-DHAN Academy,Madurai.
We extend our thanks to all our invitees for taking time out to offer their valuable suggestions and feed on the architectural programme at C.A.R.E.

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